Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The scent

Something has been disturbed
somewhere there is a strife.
It was a calm lake before
now there are tides.
Yet everything is a blur
like mist in a dark night.

But what it is,
that dies many deaths
and keeps coming back to life.

If it's an idea, I can not visualize it
If it's a question, I can not frame it.
If it's a thought, I can't put it into words
And if it is a dream, I'm sorry I can't remember.

It's like the scent from deer's navel
who felt it's presence all the while.
It's mild, sweet smell kept him alive
and in it's search, he spends all his life.

It's like there is something missing
to be done quickly, while you are alive
Is that is why,
I am afraid to die ?

What is it that will put,
everything to rest.
What will satisfy,
where is my scent.

What will make leaving this life
more beautiful then our birth

When all doors of heaven will open up
ready to accept your soul.
Leaving it to you to decide,
date and time of your final stroll.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

बातों बातों में

दुनिया गोल है
दुनिया गोल गोल है
और हर बात में एक छोल है
किसने बनाया यह hole है
पता नहीं सब ङोल-मोल है
गोल-मोल है सब गोल-मोल है
थिन्च्झाक थिन्चक !

अरे यह guitar का क्या कोई note है ?
Am D G C, दोहराते रहो जब तक
bollywood में नहीं तुम्हारा कोई मोल है|

क्या फिल्मी गानों में है अब वो बात ?
नहीं अब तो यह गाने कम, ज़्यादा शोर हैं
फिर भी क्या करें और कोई माध्यम नहीं
और गाना सुनना तो अपना शौक़ है|

अब गाना बजाना सीखेंगे तो
पैसे का थोड़ा load है
लेकिन हमें तो बजानी
बर्मन और gilmour जैसी ढोल है|

ढोल तो बजेगी उनकी
जिन नेताओं के मन में खोट है
नहीं लेने देंगे इन्हें चैन
देखो खड़ी हम जैसों की एक फौज है|

अब फौज की बात हुई तो
फौज तो भारत की भी तोड़ है
दुनिया की तीसरी सबसे बड़ी सेना
पृथ्वी, अग्नि और अर्जुन से load है
देश के लिए हथियार बनाना बुरा तो नहीं
drdo के engineers का अपना ही एक रौब है|

रौब तो होता है ias अफसरों का
चलता उन्ही का जोर है
काम काज कुछ करते नहीं
गिनते रहते वह तो बस नोट हैं|

अरे! नोट/note की बात तो पहले भी कहीं की थी
अंग्रेजी से शरू, हिंदी पे हुई यह fold है
क्या दुनिया के साथ यह कविता भी गोल है ?
पता नहीं सब डोल-मोल है
गोलमोल गोलमोल है सब गोलमोल है
थिन्च्झाक थिन्चक !

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Me, Myself and My Screams

Be you asleep or awake,
I can read your mind and change your fate.

Whenever you born Wherever you die,
My echoes will reverberate forever in the sky.

Huh!, Quite a mystery, it seems;
By the way, I am just your Dreams.

-- Kishal Raj

Monday, August 17, 2009

Swine flu - Swine flu where are you

Swine flu, swine flu where are you,
I have been looking all over for you.

I have been to temples,
I have been to shrines.

I went to crowded malls,
I went to every picture hall.

I travelled on auto, then on a bus,
where I smelled sweat and fart of almost everyone.

I went to NIMHANS, and stood in a zillion km. long queue,
while some sneezed many coughed and one bastard puked.

Yet you avoided me and gave your best,
well don't be so pleased as I'm not going to rest.

I am gonna get you piggy,
no matter how much you hide.
And my name will be there
at some corner of TOI's site.

And remember when I will get hold of you,
I don't wanna die.
Though it doesn't matter much to anyone,
I have some stuff, that still has to be done.

So, don't try to be smart,
and don't play any trick.
Because my immune is
as hard as my dick.

Only reason you see me beg and plead,
is because I need that 7 day medical leave.

I was a little harsh with you earlier,
but hey viruso, please lend me your ear.

Though you are a pig by birth, and now called a fucking swine.
you must understand, my manager's species is not yet defined.

He always laughs,
but never smiles.
knows a lot,
and won't easily die.

Bastard make me work my ass off,
and I, fucking hate my job.