Thursday, March 27, 2008

Stories And Revolution

It's been a month since Raghu kaka visited our village and a month since everyone gathered around a campfire to listen to his tales.

No one stayed in house once Raghu kaka arrived in the village.Farmers would leave their land unploughed, women would leave food uncooked, smiths would leave their work unfinished to listen to his stories.

Sometimes he will tell stories of love between prince and princess,stories of intelligent kings or stories of huge monsters.In all of his stories good people always won over bad people.They all ended bringing a smile to our faces.

But in his previous visits he told different kind of stories.He told the story of farmers forced to sell their land to pay taxes to king, young kids taken without their consent to join the army.These stories didn't had the twists and turns for which Raghu kaka is famous and neither did they had happy endings.

Last time he came, he told the story of revolution taking place in the neighbouring kingdom to overthrow the king and to establish a system called "Democracy",in which people will choose their own ruler.

Many days after his last visit a new storyteller came to our village today.He told a story of the storyteller who tried to raise a revolution by telling his stories to every person in every village and town of the kingdom, got caught by king's army and executed in front of people.But he left us with his stories and his dream.

1 comment:

Kishal said...

Be you asleep or awake,
I can read your mind and change your fate.

Whenever you born Wherever you die,
My echoes will reverberate forever in the sky.

Huh! ,Quite a mystery, it seems;
By the way, I am Mr.Dreams.